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Welcome to PiXL Secondary

Supporting schools at Key Stage 3 and 4

In Secondary, we know that support for the Raising Standards Leader is crucial, but so is the support for middle leaders. That is why we produce resources and leadership thinking materials for leadership at all levels. 

This next year, we are going to be working even harder to ensure that you and your middle leaders feel equipped for the challenges ahead. Here is how we are going to do that:

  • Specialist support is available if you and your team want to implement a PiXL strategy or have some expertise around a specific area like leadership, teaching and learning or curriculum, then you can book an appointment with someone who can help you in your context.
  • Middle leadership support for English, maths and science, as well as wider support for all middle leaders. We have middle leader communications sent straight to their inboxes, so colleagues remain up to date and are kept well-informed about resources and networks specifically addressing the issues they face. We are also running 'Fast CPD' sessions across the year so that messages can be shared across the departments.
  • Online interactive collaboration networks around the issues surrounding the Wildly Important Goal can be accessed by middle leaders and the RSL, as we seek to unpick the barriers to improving outcomes and life chances.
  • Strategies and resources to address the big areas, whether that is disciplinary literacy, reading, transition and induction, financial education, oracy, writing, supporting non-specialists or examiner report feedback and updates – we have it all for you to take, edit and implement.
  • The School of PiXL Leadership courses are aimed at people in different roles: there are RSL courses and two for middle leaders (new and experienced) as well as one for your pastoral team. All of them are focused on practical ways of improving life chances and outcomes in the role that you are in.
  • Subject conferences for English, maths and science (an additional member-discounted price) – one for each subject in Autumn 2024 and then two cross-phase festivals, one for English and one for STEM in 2025. Visit the Leadership Events page for dates.
  • A series of How To Guides and Leadership Thinking Guides enable leaders at all levels to really understand the issues and to do their own thinking. Whether these are on belonging, motivation, attendance, parent and school contracts, exam preparation or reading, we guide you through the process of working out what is an issue for you and what to do about it.



Strategies and resources

Each year, we release big resource packages to help have impact in schools. We are intelligence led and evidence informed, which means we are also responsive to your need. We regularly ask a range of leaders in secondary schools what they need and we respond to what you tell us. We know that things change quickly, new issues emerge and old issues remain a challenge – that is why we are here to support you and walk alongside you.

This is a sample of the packages available for you, and there are many more packages like this on our members’ area so that there is a resource to support you with the issues you are facing:

  • The PiXL Waves, powered by Pupil Progress – access to the Pupil Progress trackers in English and maths, all boards, so that teachers are able to analyse real-time progress more accurately and can see where their cohort is against the PiXL national cohort. Resources to help with misconceptions and gaps follow throughout the year as we see the needs within the PiXL cohort. All free as part of your membership!
  • Strive for Success – in English, maths and science. Teacher guidance on the biggest issues from the examiner reports following summer exams, student-facing material and practical strategies to improve outcomes.
  • PiXL Independence – booklets across a range of subjects with graduated tasks for students to do for revision.
  • PiXL Reading – an extensive reading package including leadership guides, parent newsletters, reading canons, author talks and discounted books from publishers!
  • PiXL Spine – aimed at Key Stage 3 across a range of subjects, the Spine takes the core knowledge that is required at Key Stage 3 to excel at Key Stage 4 and presents them in interactive knowledge mats that enable students to think through the topic and answer questions.
  • Build Up – 20 modules of work for students who are working towards a grade 4 but may be finding it a challenge. These narrated PowerPoints, workbooks and knowledge mats enable students to study a blend of English, maths and science in the real world alongside material on careers, character and wellbeing. Each module comes with a certificate of completion.
  • Leadership Thinking Guides and How To Guides on a range of subjects as well as Ideas from the Network. The Leadership Thinking Guides are there for every strategy to guide you through the leadership considerations before you use any resource. The How To Guides are practical guides around issues like belonging, attendance, transition and many more.
  • A range of teaching and learning packages, focusing on thinking hard, talk in the classroom, questioning, adaptive teaching, self-efficacy and metacognition.


The best way to experience what being part of PiXL is like is to attend our next PiXL Secondary National Conference as a guest. They happen three times a year. Email to arrange to attend the next one as a guest school.


Find out a little more about our leadership offer by visiting the pages below:

Multi Academy Trusts

 If you are in a Multi Academy Trust and interested in a Trust membership with PiXL, we offer PiXL MAT Connect.
Please email and we will get back to you with further information, bespoke to your setting.

Membership subscription fees

Membership subscription fees cover the academic year from 1st September 2024 to 31st August 2025.

All prices stated do not include VAT. Please contact for the current in-year subscription fees.

PiXL Secondary 2024–2025 Subscription


PiXL Secondary and PiXL Post 16 (dual discount is applied)


PiXL Alternative 2024–2025 Subscription 


PiXL Overseas 2024–2025 Subscription

Email: for bespoke pricing.

Interested in joining us?

Email our membership team via our Contact Form

We’ll invite you to access our next event as a guest to gain better insight into what PiXL Secondary is like and how becoming a member could benefit your secondary school.

For any other questions about PiXL Secondary, contact us by selecting 'PiXL Secondary, Post 16 and general enquiries' on our Contact Form or call 07799 892120.


  • PiXL’s work is truly remarkable and has been a saviour and sanctuary of common sense and really useful strategies at a time of madness!

    Headteacher, PiXL Secondary school

  • For me, PiXL is a community of like-minded learners who have a moral imperative to raise standards and support children and schools to be better – who wouldn't want to be in PiXL?

    Executive Headteacher, PiXL Primary school

  • PiXL provides a reassuring touchstone, and never more has that been so important to school leaders. PiXL is populated with like-minded and motivated colleagues who give due thought and consideration about how to best approach the myriad of decisions school leaders take every day. I've worked with PiXL for 8 years now and every meeting leaves me inspired to try new ideas, reassured about things my school is doing well and resolved to continually do better for the young people in my school.

    Headteacher, PiXL Secondary school

  • Post-16 support and resources are top quality — the adaptability of resources makes tailoring them to your students straightforward. The PiXL team are always open to suggestions and strive to ensure hard-working and innovative staff have a support base. They inspire teachers of all levels of experience.

    Senior Leader, PiXL Post 16 school

  • I can honestly say this has been one of the instrumental factors in our success story. The ideas, resources and expertise, which has been so willingly shared by the whole PiXL team, has enabled our Sixth Form to continually change and radically improve. Every single meeting has been packed with fresh ideas and practical tips to help students thrive, both academically and also as a well-rounded individual.

    Headteacher, PiXL Post 16 school

  • PiXL is more than just a network of schools; it is a welcoming organisation, with highly experienced people, offering unparalleled professional support and CPD. PiXL will continue to improve the education system and culture of the schools, Sixth Forms and colleges who introduce and embed their strategies, as it has already.

    Senior Leader, PiXL Post 16 school

  • We have used PiXL in our personal development package, in our interventions, in whole-school teaching and learning CPD and with our staff through PiXL Change. My respect for PiXL has grown and grown.

    Senior Leader, PiXL Post 16 school

  • PiXL has been a huge support network for our academies during these challenging times and has guided us, assisted us and provided us with resources to support our leaders, teachers and pupils. The PiXL team listen to us, take on feedback, ask us what we need and adapt their research and provision in order to suit all of our school’s different needs.

    Executive Headteacher, PiXL Primary school

  • As a member, PiXL provides our school with a wealth of professional development opportunities and high-quality resources for all areas of the core curriculum. Their approach of diagnosis, therapy, testing and revisiting enables us to easily identify children’s next steps on a one-to-one, small group and whole-class basis and then tailor our interventions and whole-class teaching to fill their gaps.

    Executive Headteacher, PiXL Primary school

  • The opportunity to work with such a strong, supportive, diverse team of highly–skilled professionals from across the country, as a PiXL family, has been a very valuable experience in developing the breadth and depth of my knowledge and skill–set, both as a teacher and a leader. Schools, staff and children lie at the heart of everything they do. The question on everyone’s lips is always: ‘What do schools need?’

    Executive Headteacher, PiXL Primary school

  • The beauty of PiXL is that you can pick and mix what you need and make it work for your school; you can be as PiXL as you want to be – it's a continuum.

    Headteacher, PiXL Secondary school

  • I trust my leaders with PiXL: PiXL leadership moves with the times and develops all tiers of leaders, ranging from my new middle leaders to my most experienced Heads of School. It has inspired them to question and challenge themselves, whilst holding their hand and supporting their next steps.

    Headteacher, PiXL Post 16 school

  • In a world of uncertainty, PiXL continues to show its true worth to schools across the nation. The integrity and humility with which the organisation works are quite unique in the world of education support and their drive to focus on the best for our young people is indubitable. Constantly offering support in key areas where the need is greatest, PiXL continues to be the greatest source of support imaginable.

    Headteacher, PiXL Secondary school

  • PiXL is completely driven by its values and moral purpose, acting solely in the interests of the young people in our schools by helping and supporting staff to choose the most appropriate, evidence-informed strategies and resources for their students. PiXL is an incredibly agile organisation in which the exceptional team is able to provide whatever support schools need in the interests of their students.

    Senior Leader, PiXL Post 16 school